Here’s Why You Should Never Buy CBD on Amazon

Many consumers use to purchase all kinds of products online. So it’s not surprising that many people assume they can buy legitimate CBD products on Amazon, eBay, Groupon and other online marketplace websites.

The reality can be much different. In this article, we explain why you should use caution in buying CBD products on these popular sites. 

Third Party Sellers on Amazon

If you type “cbd oil” into the search box on Amazon, you will get search results that appear to be real CBD products. You should know that these products are being offered by independent third-party sellers, not by Amazon itself. 

Most of the third-party sellers on Amazon are reputable small businesses. But there are some that are just looking to make a fast buck. This can include posting fake positive reviews and being vague about the type of product being sold.

Counterfeit products can also be an issue. There are verified reports of third-party sellers offering fake CBD products on Amazon. In some cases, they go so far as to create labels that make the product appear to be from a reputable brand.

Counterfeit CBD products are not only typically ineffective. They can also be dangerous to your health since you really have no idea what’s in them.

The Selling of CBD Products Violates Amazon’s Terms of Service

You can’t buy real CBD products on Amazon according to their terms of service for third-party sellers. This link to the Amazon policy specifically lists “rich hemp oil containing CBD” as being on their list of prohibited listings. So according to their policies, products that contain CBD cannot be sold on Amazon.

Some third-party sellers on Amazon try to take advantage of consumers who don’t know what to look for when buying real CBD oil. Most of the products being sold as CBD oil on Amazon are just hemp seed oil.

While hemp seed oil can make a healthy salad dressing, it doesn’t contain any CBD. So before buying any CBD product on Amazon, we highly recommend learning the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil.

Don’t Get Tricked Into Buying Hemp Seed Oil

To make matters worse, many of the third parties selling hemp seed oil on Amazon seem to be intentionally vague in their product descriptions. Most of the product listings for hemp oil on Amazon don’t clarify whether the product includes CBD or not. 

Many unsuspecting consumers buy these products thinking that they contain CBD when in fact they do not. If you read the reviews of these products on Amazon, you’ll notice many complaints from people who feel duped into buying overpriced hemp seed oil.

Are There Any Real CBD Products on Amazon?

Occasionally, a third-party seller will list a product that says it does contain CBD. However, they are doing so in direct violation of Amazon’s terms of service. And you likely won’t be able to verify that it contains CBD since they won’t show third-party lab reports.

Any listing for real CBD oil will eventually be removed by Amazon and they may have their seller account terminated. So if you buy CBD oil on Amazon, be aware that you are doing business with a company that is likely knowingly violating Amazon’s policies. As a result, they may not be in operation tomorrow.

The Better Way to Buy CBD Oil Online

We recommend that you avoid buying CBD products on Amazon and other online marketplace websites. It’s best to buy CBD products directly from the official website of a reputable brand.

By doing so, you can be assured that you are getting a product with CBD in it. You’ll also be buying from a company that stands behind its products and will be there to address any customer service or product issues.

We maintain a list of the best CBD oil brands that you can purchase from online. Many of them offer free shipping and have delivery times that rival Amazon Prime.

You can buy real CBD products from any of these companies and know you are getting a high-quality product from a reputable company that has excellent customer service and overwhelmingly positive feedback from users.

One Response

  1. Agreed. Ebay is doing the same thing unfortunately. All the sellers there are new, and selling even cheaper than any assistance programs by the vendors.