Our THC-free CBD product comparison graphs are designed to help you easily compare prices across top brands.
The price comparison tables below are sorted by price per milligram of CBD (from low to high). This is the best metric for comparing prices on a true “apples to apples” basis. It accounts for the differences in the quantities and potencies that can often make it difficult to compare prices across brands.
The tables below include CBD coupon codes if offered. Be sure to scroll to the right to view the available discounts. Then use the listed code at checkout to get the lowest possible price when you make an online purchase.
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THC-Free CBD Tincture Price Comparison
Current average price of THC-free CBD drops (tinctures): $0.04 per milligram. Current market range: $0.02 – $0.09 per milligram.
The list below compares price per milligram and other product information for THC-free tinctures from the most popular CBD brands.
Brand | Price/mg | Total CBD mg | List Price | Discount | Coupon Code | Final Price | Size (ml) | Potency (mg/ml) | Learn More |
4 Corners Cannabis | $0.037 | 2,000 | $99.99 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $74.99 | 30 | 67 | 4 Corners Cannabis reviews |
CBDistillery | $0.036 | 2,500 | $120.00 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $90.00 | 30 | 83 | CBDistillery reviews |
cbdMD | $0.020 | 3,000 | $79.99 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $59.99 | 30 | 100 | cbdMD reviews |
Charlotte's Web | $0.068 | 750 | $59.99 | 15% | CBDOILUSERS | $50.99 | 30 | 25 | Charlotte's Web reviews |
Extract Labs | $0.026 | 2,000 | $69.99 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $52.49 | 30 | 67 | Extract Labs reviews |
Lazarus Naturals | $0.019 | 3,000 | $70.00 | 20% | ONETIME20 | $56.00 | 60 | 50 | Lazarus Naturals reviews |
R&R CBD | $0.044 | 1,000 | $55.00 | 20% | CBDOILUSERS | $44.00 | 30 | 33 | R&R CBD reviews |
Price/mg = price per milligram of CBD (default sort from low to high)
Total CBD mg = total amount of CBD in bottle in milligrams
List Price = price of the product shown on the brand’s website
Discount/Coupon Code = percentage discount and coupon code that can be used at checkout
Final Price = price of the product after discount
Size (ml) = amount of liquid in bottle in milliliters (30ml is the most common size)
Potency (mg/ml) = number of milligrams of CBD in each milliliter (dropperful)
Compre Prices of THC-Free CBD Gummies
Current average price of THC-free CBD gummies: $0.05 per milligram. Current market range: $0.03 – $0.08 per milligram.
The list below compares price per milligram and other product information for THC-free CBD gummies.
Brand | Price/mg | Total CBD mg | List Price | Discount | Coupon Code | Final Price | # Gummies | CBD mg/gummy | User Reviews |
CBDistillery | $0.050 | 900 | $60.00 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $45.00 | 30 | 30 | CBDistillery reviews |
cbdMD | $0.020 | 3,000 | $79.99 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $59.99 | 30 | 100 | cbdMD reviews |
Charlotte's Web | $0.079 | 750 | $69.99 | 15% | CBDOILUSERS | $59.49 | 60 | 12 | Charlotte's Web reviews |
Fab CBD | $0.055 | 750 | $59.00 | 30% | CBDOILUSERS | $41.30 | 30 | 25 | Fab CBD reviews |
Lazarus Naturals | $0.030 | 1,000 | $38.00 | 20% | ONETIME20 | $30.40 | 40 | 25 | Lazarus Naturals reviews |
R&R CBD | $0.057 | 750 | $53.00 | 20% | CBDOILUSERS | $42.40 | 30 | 25 | R&R CBD reviews |
Extract Labs | $0.052 | 1,000 | $69.99 | 25% | CBDOILUSERS | $52.49 | 30 | 33 | Extract Labs reviews |
Price/mg = price per milligram of CBD (default sort from low to high)
Total CBD mg = total amount of CBD in container in milligrams
List Price = price of the product shown on the brand’s website
Discount/Coupon Code = percentage discount and coupon code that can be used at checkout
Final Price = price of the product after discount
# Gummies = number of gummies in container
CBD mg/gummy (potency )= number of milligrams of CBD in each gummy
Other Cannabinoid Price Comparisons
Full Spectrum CBD Price Comparison – compare prices of full spectrum CBD tinctures and gummies across all major brands
Delta 9 THC Price Tracker – compare the prices of Delta 9 gummies and microdosing mints across top brands
Delta 8 THC Price Tracker – compare the prices of Delta 8 gummies, vape cartridges and tinctures across top brands
Price Disclaimer: The prices reflected on our cannabinoid price tracker pages are based on information from the third-party brand websites. We manually update the prices on a regular basis. However, it is possible that current prices may have changed from what is shown above. Please refer to the brand website to ensure up-to-date pricing and other product details.